Friday, February 25, 2011

Sen. Rockefeller Urges NFL to Open Books

From Sports Illustrated:
The chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee is urging NFL owners to open their financial books to the players union, arguing that will help resolve a labor dispute that is threatening next season's games.

"Reluctantly, I have come to the conclusion that the only way to sort out this stalemate is for the owners and the league to answer the biggest sticking point: money," Sen. Jay Rockefeller wrote in a Washington Post opinion column on Friday. "What I'd like to see from NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and the owners is a simple display of good faith: Show the union your books. Don't keep secrets. If there are financial pressures that keep you from agreeing to the revenue-sharing plan proposed by the players, let's see the proof."

Rockefeller, D-W.Va., suggested that a neutral third party review the financial data, remove anything sensitive and prepare an assessment of the league's finances.

The NFL declined to comment on Rockefeller's suggestion, citing a request by federal mediator George Cohen that the two sides not discuss negotiations while they're in mediation. Those negotiations are scheduled to resume next week.
Fans can only hope that this helps put an end to the seemingly endless fight over billions of dollars. I can't help but think that most blue collar union employees would want "revenue sharing plans" with their respective employers similar to the one that the players union is so desperately fighting for. Of course, when the median NFL salary is almost 800k per year, it's not hard to understand the fans' growing impatience with the inability of the parties to reach some type of deal before the CBA deadline in a few weeks.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Cal. Supreme Court to Answer Certified Question on Prop 8

The California Supreme Court today said it would answer the standing question in the Proposition 8 same-sex marriage appeal at the Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals.

The justices unanimously agreed to say whether California law allows for ballot initiative proponents to defend the constitutionality of a measure when state officeholders refuse to do so.

The three-judge Ninth Circuit panel — Stephen Reinhardt, Michael Daly Hawkins and N. Randy Smith — sent the certified question to the Supreme Court in January after Reinhardt raised the idea during oral arguments Dec. 6.

The justices agreed to expedite the matter. In a short order, the Supreme Court set a briefing schedule that will allow for oral arguments "as early as" September. The first briefs are due March 14. Responses are due April 4.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Arenas Gets Served

From Yahoo Sports:
Orlando guard Gilbert Arenas was served with child support and custody papers as he left the court during halftime of the Magic’s loss to Miami on Thursday night. The court documents, obtained by The Associated Press, were a California petition filed by Laura Mendoza Govan. She identified herself as his ex-girlfriend in the documents.

The petition seeks custody and child support for three children that Govan says Arenas fathered and has since “financially cut off.” She is also seeking support for another unborn child, as well as monthly support for the other children. In the petition, she is seeking $109,000 in monthly support payments from Arenas and $1.3 million annually.
At least he still posted good numbers that night.